Elgin Thames Minor Hockey, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 15, 2024 | Shawn Pede | 423 views
Elgin Thames Minor Hockey
Good evening,

Aylmer, Belmont, and Dorchester Minor Hockey Associations are pleased to announce the new name of our reorganized representative program: Elgin Thames Minor Hockey 

Thank you to all of you for your submissions

Additionally, based on submissions from the membership we have narrowed down the actual team name to the following six options:

  • 73’s – this name represents the 73 highway that connect all three of our areas
  • Imperials – similar to above, 73 highway is also often called Imperial Road, the name Imperials is associated with royalty and empires
  • Royals – similar to the above but a different spin – the Royals is a name that also carries prestige and power
  • Flyers – this submission pointed out that the one thing in common from a lot of our associations names and past names is “flight” – i.e. Dragons, the Attack, Spitfires, Bombers 
  • Ice Hawks – the hawk is an animal local to our areas and it incorporates the element of flight
  • Lightning – this is a name that fits with our area's climate and has lots of logo opportunities

Please see the link below and go and vote on the inaugural name for the Elgin Thames Minor Hockey. Voting will close on Tuesday October 22 at 6:00pm. Once our name is determined we will be sending out the opportunity for rough draft logo submissions that we will get professional mockups made of the top 3-5 entries.  

Shawn Pede
Ian McDonald

Jake McKillop
