Sep 18, 2017 | Mark Holmes | 1335 views
Schedule Changes: PLEASE MAKE NOTE
On behalf of the AMHA, I apologize for the recent changes to the schedule with regards to the Bantam LL and Midget LL divisions.
After speaking with members of such teams, it was decided that the original schedule would be more suitable and the schedule has been reversed.
For this week, the schedule has the Midget LL team practicing this evening and the Bantam LL team practicing Thursday. This will remain for this week but changes next week along with game times seen below.
Starting this weekend:
Midget LL games - Sundays, practices - Thursdays
Bantam LL games - Saturdays, practices - Mondays
Refer to schedule for times
Please bare with us, as there may be some further changes to the schedule depending on what happens in the bantam division. I will update the schedule as soon as we have confirmation.
Thanks once again for your patience.