Contact Us (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

PrintContact Us
4 contacts
Shawn Pede
President and Ice Convenor
Leon Thoonen
Vice President & Registrar
Missy Walcarius
Treasurer, Nominations and Fundraising Committees
Sandra Lake
Secretary, Banquet, Tournament and Fundraising Committees
17 contacts
Brandie Geerts
OMHA Rep, Flameswear and U7 Jamboree Coordinator
Bryan Ungar
3 on 3 Chair, Equipment Manager, Coach Selection Chair
Mike Holmes
Supervisory Chair, Constitution, Tournament Chair and Silver Stick Rep
Mark Steele
Nominations Chair, Grievance, Coach Selection, Trophies and Banquet Committees
Stephen Douglas
Grievance Chair, Constitution Chair and Trophies Committee
Wade Fitzgerald
Hockey Development Chair
Steve Nichols
Local League Rep and Coach Selection Committee
Ryan Deane
Grievance Committee and Supervisory Committees
Roy Ens
Coach Selection, Fundraising and 3 on 3 Committees
Peter Kapogianis
Equipment, Flames Wear and Banquet Committees
Holly Marr
Pre U8 Coordinator, Banquet Committee and Picture Day Coordinator
Travis Neville
Equipment, Coach Selection, 3 on 3 and Banquet Committees
Shane Deutsch
Hockey Development
Jamie Chilcott
Pre U8 Coordinator and Banquet Committee
Kristin Weber
Timekeepers Coordinator
Open Vacancy
Director at Large
Concerns and Feedback
Concerns and Feedback
Other Organization Contacts
1 contact
Mark Holmes
Past President