Register by June 27th to secure your spot and avoid late fees, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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May 29, 2019 | Leon Thoonen | 984 views
Register by June 27th to secure your spot and avoid late fees
1. You must both register online (be sure to complete checkout step) and pay for your registration by June 27th.
2. First time registrants must submit a birth certificate (email or drop off) and ensure that a parent has completed the Respect In Sport Training.
3. Registrants prior to May 10th (for A/AA/AA Tryouts) must now re-register if they wish to play for the AMHA.
4. This year we are accepting eTransfer payments, receipts will be emailed.

For further info, go to the REGISTRATION tab at and/or contact Leon Thoonen at [email protected].
