Mar 15, 2020 | Mark Holmes | 939 views
3 on 3 Update
Based on the information we have, in conjunction with the complex, and the the available information from the Ministry of Health, the AMHA is expecting to continue with Aylmer Spring 3 on 3 as planned.
After careful review, the AMHA is preparing to continue moving forward with our planned Spring 3 on 3 season.
The complex has been instructed to continue to rent out the complex to rentals less than 250 people.
Spring 3 on 3 does not encourage large congregations, however players are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and not share equipment.
The initiation of Spring 3 on 3 takes place after the mandatory 14 day quarantine period after March break, and past the date that schools are expected to resume.
Lastly, it is not a sanctioned event through the OMHA and as such is not governed by that program.
If however, you are your child has had respiratory or flu like symptoms, we encourage you to see your family physician who may choose to have you tested for COVID 19 prior to participation in any of our events.
We will update the families involved in Spring 3 on 3 if further information comes fourth and our plans need to be changed.
Teams and schedules should be posted early this week.
Thank you all for being patient with this process.