Sep 30, 2020 | Mark Holmes | 911 views
Reminders for all participants & parents
The EECC has strict policies regarding infection control and social distancing. In the past week, the complex has given feedback regarding some of the behaviours they have observed at the complex.
1. Spitting - the complex staff had to clean up a dressing where spit had been amassed throughout the floor and walls. In addition, there was spit in the benches as well.
Regardless of whether you believe in COVID 19 or not, there are rules to follow, and any deliberate action to behave contrary to these rules, may be grounds for removal from AMHA altogether.
2. Bags policy - there have been a few teams who have brought bags into the complex. There are no bags allowed in the complex with the exception of those used by coaches for training equipment or for our goalies. Players need to come dressed and ready to play. The dressing rooms are available to use, but if players come dressed, there should be little need to use a dressing room.
3. Masks - masks are to be worn by all in the complex, until which time that the player/coach goes on the ice surface. Our coaches have been instructed to wear masks whenever social distancing cannot be managed. They should have a mask on them at all times in case a player gets injured or needs assistance.
If members of the AMHA are unable to follow these basic rules, there will be consequences to such actions. There are far more players and families following such directives than not. The vast majority are doing their best. Lets all continue to play by the rules so to allow our kids the privilege of playing hockey during this time.