Dec 26, 2020 | Mark Holmes | 812 views
COVID 19 Update Dec 26, 2020
As everyone is aware, we are in the midst of a 28 day lockdown. Indoor recreation facilities are included in the lockdown, and as such the complex is now closed until Jan 22, 2021. All ice times are suspended until that time.
We will await information from the public health unit to determine when the complex may open, what restrictions will be in place at that time, and what modifications to our program we may need to establish.
For those that have paid their fees for the next part of the season, rest assured that we will re-evaluate fees as we get closer to knowing what programing we are able to offer.
The goal of AMHA is only to cover fees for the year, so wherever we can make things more affordable we will.
Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.