Feb 26, 2021 | Mark Holmes | 1730 views
Tentative Schedule and Teams Released
The next part of our season is set to commence March 1st, 2021.
The updated teams list has been released and is listed on the home page. Be sure to take a look as some teams have been completely eliminated, or significantly changed. We will do our best to try to find a new jersey for anyone that had changed teams. We apologize for this inconvenience, however in this abnormal year, its the best we can do.
A schedule has been released for at least the first week. As long as we do not move back to a more restrictive public health status i.e. "RED", each team will receive two ice times per week. The EECC has to get back to me regarding one more ice time. As such, you will see that for some divisions, there are two skates noted on the schedule. For others, there is only one. On Monday, the complex will confirm the last ice time we need to facilitate a full schedule. We are hoping this is not going to be a less ideal late Sunday or Saturday ice time. Stay tuned, as the schedule will get its final update this coming Monday.
Some points to remember:
1. We are permitted to have up to 20 participants on the ice, and 5 coaches max.
2. Parents are permitted to watch while social distancing. We encourage ONE spectator per child, to ensure we do not go above the 50 person limit in the building.
3. Masks have to be worn in the building. Players follow the same guidelines as previous, arriving fully dressed. Goalies are encouraged to arrive as dressed as possible. Players must wear masks even if they have their helmet on while entering the building, and can only take it off prior to entering the ice surface.
4. No spitting on the ice, off the ice, in the dressing rooms etc.. The EECC will be watching for this. It is extremely selfish to make another person clean something like this up, especially during this pandemic.
5. Players need to be signed in using the Sportsheadz app. We have to correct a few registrants, and hopefully this will be managed this weekend.
6. We have to fill out a waiver once again. The waiver is to be handed in to the complex at your first skate. You need to put the following on the front page. PLAYER NAME, DIVISION, TEAM. This form will be available on the website under the tab COVID19 Information.
We will be able to have scrimmages, as long as we stay in "Orange" or better. If we move to "RED" we will go back to development. Regardless of your beliefs about the pandemic, we expect our members to follow the rules set fourth, just as you would with regards to sending kids to school. If your child is sick, do not send your child to their skate.
No refunds will be provided once your child attends their first ice time.
Thank you all for helping make this season as positive for our kids as can be.