Sep 21, 2021 | Mark Holmes | 809 views
IMPORTANT: New EECC Entry Requirements Start September 22, 2021
As I am sure you have all heard, commencing September 22, 2021, there are new requirements for entering some buildings. The EECC will have security checking for the following at the main door.
1. Proof of vaccination (for those eligible) - you may download to your phone or show a copy
2. Government issued photo identification - health card or drivers license (for those without a photo card, you may show health card)
The complex has reported that there is no leniency for this rule.
The complex also has a QR code for signing in for contact tracing, rather than using the spread sheet provided previously.
The AMHA is still required to hold on to screen sheets so unless your team has been set up with the Sportsheadz app, please keep handing in your paper forms.
If you are not able to enter the building, please make arrangements with someone else in the group to look after your child if they choose to attend practices. We want to help be the solution for those that need it, but the AMHA will not be responsible for taking care of young players who are simply dropped off with no plan in place.
Though there will be some frustrations with this process, we urge everyone to be patient and courteous.
Thank you