Nov 02, 2021 | Mark Holmes | 281 views
October 31 Deadline to be Vaccinated has Passed
The AMHA is charged with ensuring that everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated against Covid 19 (those aged 12 +) who are taking on a role in the AMHA including board members, coaches, on-ice volunteers, time keepers, managers etc. are vaccinated against Covid 19. Those who have not submitted their proof of vaccination to Shawn Pede must do so in order to continue playing or volunteering.
Thank you to those that continue to play their part to make AMHA as safe as possible for our families to play.
Reminder... every patron entering the facility should do so at the front door and not anywhere else in the facility. In the past, the AMHA has seen a growing trend of people avoiding the gate and entering through the back door of the arena. Everyone is expected to follow the rules of the facility.
Thanks in advance.