Nov 23, 2021 | Mark Holmes | 681 views
AMHA Cases of Covid 19 and Clarification for Household Members
Good evening all,
The AMHA has several teams presently having to quarantine due to a positive case of COVID 19 on a few teams. Though we have only had one case of transmission within our system to date, thanks to the commitment of our families and coaches to following public health guidelines, it is all the more important that we continue to listen to the recommendations of our Public Health Unit in order to ensure our members health and safety is prioritized and to minimize the impact on others.
If you have received a letter from Public Health, please read your letter closely and follow the recommendations. The AMHA will review any cases where a member is not doing as they are asked, and determine a course of action from there.
When it comes to unvaccinated siblings of a high risk contact (hockey is considered a higher risk activity), siblings are expected to avoid non-essential activities such as hockey. Please read the following wording from public health which was provided today November 23, 2021.
"After reviewing the Ontario Ministry of Health documents, and confirming with my supervisor, the guidance states that unvaccinated household members of High-Risk Contacts should only leave home for essential reasons as outlined in the High Risk Contact Letter. Unfortunately, hockey would not be considered an essential reason. To reiterate, unvaccinated siblings of the hockey players identified as high risk contacts should not play hockey while their high-risk household member is isolating.
When it comes to vaccinated household members, they are required to self monitor for symptoms, but can continue with school and sport, as long as the subject member of their family in quarantine, does not become a "case" or in other words show symptoms. In that scenario, the household member, would have additional recommendations from Public Health.
These are the standards that the AMHA will be following, until which time that Public Health notifies us otherwise. We realize that with tournaments scheduled, there is a temptation especially during the end of the quarantine period if your child has not developed symptoms, to participate anyways in the activity. However, we want to stress that members need to ensure they are following the correct recommendations.
Again, if your child is ill in any way, please error on the side of caution, and keep them home.
Thank you all for your understanding and your commitment to ensuring the health of our families is of the highest priority.
We wish to send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to those affected.