Congratulations to both U11 LL teams - LL Regional Silver Stick Champions & Finalists, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 12, 2021 | Mark Holmes | 332 views
Congratulations to both U11 LL teams - LL Regional Silver Stick Champions & Finalists
The competitive yet health rivalry continues in the U11 LL division with our two Aylmer teams continuing to challenge each other in tournament and league play.

The Aylmer Red and Aylmer black team again met in the U11 Regional LL Silverstick Final last Sunday, with the Aylmer black team winning the game in over time.

The U11 LL Black team will now travel down to the Niagara Region to represent the region in the International Tournament.

Congrats to both team on a very successful first half of the season.

Tim Hortons
The Timbits Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program for children four to eight years old who participate in local house league sports teams. The program's philosophy is not based on winning or losing - but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just taking time out to be a kid. Tim Hortons currently sponsors over 200,000 children who play on hockey, soccer, lacrosse, t-ball, baseball and ringette teams across Canada and in the United States. Each sponsored team is supplied with Timbits Minor Sports jerseys or T-shirts. Timbits hockey teams are often given the opportunity to play on-ice scrimmages during intermissions at Junior, American Hockey League (AHL) and National Hockey League (NHL) games.