HOCKEY IS BACK!!!! Get Lost COVID!!!, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 27, 2022 | Mark Holmes | 529 views
It seems like forever since we've been to the rink together, but its time to embrace... spiritually that is, because we aren't supposed to get within 6 feet of each other.

The AMHA would like to welcome everyone back to the rink starting Monday January 31, 2022. It will hopefully be an exciting time for all our players to see each other and get back on the ice.

Schedules have been updated and the next two months will be very busy for most. The AMHA has extended the season for all teams until the end of March. The season typically ends for many of our participants at March break, however after losing January, and it being a cold winter out there, we thought it fitting to keep the kids active for 3 more weeks. 

If you signed up for BK hockey development sessions, or Paul Gibson Goalie Development, be sure to update your schedules as they have also been extended for 2 more sessions to make up for the sessions that we lost in January. If you haven't signed up for these, do NOT just show up, as you will not be allowed on the ice.

As usual, please ensure that you screen your players prior to entering the facility and if your child is looking or feeling off, please stay home. We want to keep everyone as healthy as possible. No matter your perspective about the pandemic or pandemic rules, it is generally considerate to look out for one another. So lets keep that in mind. Please have your players wear their masks in the dressing rooms until they are set to put on their helmet and enter the ice surface.

If an unfortunate circumstance arises, and your participant or a family member tests positive for COVID 19, please follow the recommendations from the Southwestern Public Health. Please notify the association particularly if you feel others on your team or another team are particularly at risk from an exposure.

Lastly, as  you are all aware, the EECC will now be checking QR codes upon entry, for those 12 and older. You must be considered fully vaccinated to enter the facility. Right now, fully vaccinated mean that you have been double vaccinated with a Health Canada Approved Vaccine and 14 days have past since the last dose.

Here is a link to get your updated QR code proof of vaccination.

There is no change at this time for those younger than 12 years of age.

Thank you all for being patient over the first half of the season. If we all work together as we did to make the first half a success, then with a little good luck or good karma (I don't like luck!), we can make the second half as enjoyable.

 On behalf of the AMHA board, see you all at the rink!
