Permission to Skate Form Process, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 28, 2023 | Brandie Geerts | 550 views
Permission to Skate Form Process
Hello AMHA Families

This is a quick reminder on the process for receiving Permission to Skate forms (PTS) and Non-Resident Player (NRP) forms for the upcoming hockey season. Requests will not be received until AFTER APRIL 1st each year. OMHA does not release new season forms until after this date. Last season they were released on April 11th. 

Once AMHA informs parents that these forms have become available, parents are to go to the Aylmer Minor Hockey Website and click on the tab PTS/NRP forms. You will then be able to complete the specific form request that you require. Once this has been completed, our OMHA rep will email your required form to you so you are able to have it in hand for try outs.

Any questions, please reach out to Brandie Geerts ([email protected]). 
