Attention U8 and U9LL parents
The Lambton Middlesex Local League(LMLL) has informed that there was not enough interest from the membership to run a U8 only league this year. The league make is going to be comprised of mixed U8/U9 players and will transition to full ice after Jan 15th. We will be running three teams and the coaches within the division will be creating 3 evenly balanced teams over the next two weekends.
What does that mean for you as a parent of a U8 or U9 player. In the grand scheme of things very little change will take place from your weekend routine other than a slight time change for some depending on what team your child ends up on.
The ice times are as follows
U8/9 White - Saturday @ 12:15 and Sunday @ 11:15
U8/9 Black - Saturday @ 1:15 and Sunday @ 12:15
U8/9 Red - Saturday @ 2:15 and Sunday @ 1:15
Much thanks for your understanding to this last minute change
AMHA President
[email protected]