Registration & Tryout Fees Due Aug 31st, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 20, 2024 | Leon Thoonen | 827 views
Registration & Tryout Fees Due Aug 31st
The hockey season is right around the corner so we're sending out a couple of reminders as we prepare to get our players back out on ice!


The balance of registration fees are due by Aug 31st. If you paid the first installment by credit card, the second installment will automatically be taken from the same card (no action required). If your credit card changed or expired since last installment, please log into HCR and update the info.


To help the East Elgin coaches plan for tryouts this year, we’re requiring that the $60 fee be paid in advance through the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR).  If you have not already selected the fee and wish to tryout, please log back into the HCR and select the tryout fee for the appropriate player. When you login, you can skip the registration selection, and it will take you to the tryout fees. Please do not eTransfer payment without first selecting the Tryout Fee in the HCR.

