Aug 25, 2018 | Leon Thoonen | 837 views
Road Hockey Tournament Update
The summer is flying by and the AMHA road hockey tournament is quickly approaching.
Here are some reminders/updates:
1. Payment can be made in person at the EECC on Thursday August 30th from 6-7PM or you can pay Leon Thoonen or Mike Reynaert directly. Cheques should be payable to AMHA.
2. We have a few kids that are looking for teams, let us know if your player needs a team or is short one or two players and we will try to match people up.
3. Please try to get your registrations in ASAP so that we know how many teams we will have. We have very limited registrations for Bantam and Midget and if we don't get some more teams we won't be able to run these divisions.
All the necessary registration information as well as contact information is available under the "Road Hockey" section on the Aylmer Flames website.