The AMHA is please to inform all that 3 on 3 spring hockey registration is now open.
Registration will be open until March 7, 2020 and anything after that will be subject to late fees.
Please fill out the online form listed under the 3 on 3 tab on the home page and e-transfer your payment in order for registration to be complete.
Fee Structure: Payment can be made via e-transfer only to
[email protected]
Goalies (first come, first served) - $75.00
All other players:
U7 - Initiation - $125.00 (half ice)
U9 - Novice - $135.00 (full ice)
U11 - Atom - $135.00
U13 - Peewee - $135.00
U15 - Bantam - $135.00
U18 - Midget - $135.00
Late fees: an additional $20.00 will be added to any division cost for registration after March 7, 2020 subject to availability.
Any questions, please email Trevor Laur at
[email protected]