OHF Announcement on Car Seats & Arena Policy on Goalie Equipment, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 24, 2020 | Mark Holmes | 647 views
OHF Announcement on Car Seats & Arena Policy on Goalie Equipment
Good evening all,

As you should be aware by now, information is coming out almost daily. This weekend, when many skates commence, the AMHA will have a board member present to answer any questions, and ensure entry and exit occur safely and smoothly. 

The complex has reminded us that all players need to come to the rink dressed and ready to go on the ice. The only exception will be skates and goalies. The complex is still encouraging goalies to have everything on, except for pads. As such, our goalies should put their uppers on outside the rink before entering the rink. Goalies and  goalie parents, please feel free to provide feedback on any difficulties you may have in preparing to play.

I have notified the complex that this may be difficult in the case of rain, snow or cold weather, and we will cross that path when it comes. 

By chance, the OMHA released a statement today on equipment and car seats, and I have added this for your review.


Should you have any questions, be sure to connect with a board member in advance of your first skate. Though there may be some anxiety about the first skate, I have confidence that the complex has provided us with more than enough time to enter and exit the complex in a timely manner. The donning of equipment prior to entering the rink is nothing new for those of us who have had our kids practicing and playing in other facilities. Infection control practices have been put in place, and will continue to follow the guidelines from local authorities.

We look forward to seeing you this weekend!!! From an acceptable distance of course!!!

Thank you all in advance for your co-operation and patience.
