Jan 16, 2021 | Mark Holmes | 959 views
COVID 19 Update Jan 16, 2021
The Ontario Government has extended the provincial lockdown for an additional 28 days commencing this past Thursday Jan 14, 2021. Of course this means that the EECC is closed and our programming is in a holding pattern.
The AMHA has been in contact with the EECC. They have indicated that they will monitor the provinces directives and make a decision in due time as to whether or not they will leave ice in or take ice out. All indications thus far indicate that we may be able to resume our season in mid/late February, pending plans of the Ontario government.
If we are permitted, the AMHA plans to pick up the season where we left off. The cost will depend on a number of things i.e. what level of restriction will we be observing, how much ice will be available for our teams, how many players are interested in picking the season back up. If you had registered to continue playing in January, we assume that your family's decision is to continue when we can. If you are choosing not to play, please inform our registrar Leon Thoonen of your decision.
For those that have paid their next installment, rest assured that your payment will be held in trust, until we know for certain what programming we will have to offer. At this time, there is no need to make the next installment which was to be due at the end of January. The AMHA will inform our members as soon as we can, of what the cost will be for the rest of the season. If you had paid the full cost of the year in September, or if you paid for the rest of the year in December, the AMHA's registrar will make adjustments as needed. We will refund fees appropriately as indicated.
Please note however, that your child's spot in the program, depends on your communication with the registrar. For instance, if you notified the registrar that your child did not want to play past Christmas, but now have changed your mind, there may or may not be a spot available for your child because in some divisions, there have been a number of drop outs, and teams will need to be re-arranged and condensed. We anticipate for instance that there may only be enough players for 3 teams in the U15 division moving forward. If you had previously opted not to play in the new year, but have since changed your mind, you should get in contact with Leon Thoonen as soon as possible. This helps us determining team sizes and programing.
If you happen to follow the OMHA mail outs, the OMHA has provided permission to extend the season past March 2021. The AMHA will be meeting this week virtually, and we will discuss whether or not, there is demand to extend the season, or whether we should end our current programing and perhaps offer an alternative, perhaps similar to what would normally be a spring 3 on 3 season.
The AMHA is always interested in feedback from members. Feel free to reach out to a board member to provide insights.
Thank you all for your patience. We look forward to seeing you all soon.