Most up to date case management details from Southwestern Public Health, News (Aylmer Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 30, 2022 | Mark Holmes | 503 views
Most up to date case management details from Southwestern Public Health
With hockey starting tomorrow, the AMHA has heard from several members attempting to get a better understanding on what exactly they should do when they are exposed to a case of COVID-19, when they have a case of COVID-19 in their household, or in the unfortunate circumstance they they've had a COVID-19 infection.

I have added the most up date algorithm from the Southwestern Public Health Unit. 

Please note that if you have tested positive for COVID-19, it isn't as simple as quarantining for 5 days and then getting right back to your team.

The SWPHU states that individuals who have had COVID-19 can come out of isolation 5 days after symptom onset or a positive test, which ever comes first, IF...

- they have not developed any symptoms
- symptoms have been significantly improving over the past 24 hours
- in the case where the individual had diarrhea or vomiting, they must be seeing significant improvement over 48 hours
- the individual no longer has a fever 

Please see the attached algorithm for more details with regards to vaccinated vs. unvaccinated individuals as well as for those under the age of 12.


The AMHA has reached out to the SWPHU to see if there are any specific recommendations relating to return to the game of hockey.

We also realize that the screening app from sportsheadz is not entirely up date, and we are waiting for them to make updates. For now, please ensure you screen that your child is symptom free and has not been in contact with any positive cases of COVID 19.

Recall you will need a QR code proof of vaccination to get into the arena. No exceptions.

The AMHA will notify our members and families of any other updates as they become available.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.